Wednesday, October 3, 2007

House Renovating Woes

Buying a new house can be a headache all by itself, but if you are wanting to purchase a fixer upper, then you have a lot more on your plate than most people do. House flipping is a popular way to make some quick money, but it is not usually as easy as television shows and magazines make it out to be. It is not only difficult because of the construction costs, but also because of the physical and emotional strength you have to have to get through the process. Carrying the loan or loans that you may have to get to be able to afford the property is something else. If you are unmarried and already have an apartment or mortgage to pay for, then carrying another mortgage until the home is fixed up and finally sold can be a little scary.

One thing that you need to be careful about if you are planning on renovating on a budget is taking on tasks that you have no experience in. You may be able to paint the interior on your own, but cutting your new granite countertops may be something you want to leave to the professionals. This can be very complicated and can most of the time only be done once. Mess up the granite slab and you will have to buy another to replace it and this can punch a huge hole in your budget. When in doubt, leave something to the professionals and do not cut corners by taking on projects you are not sure that you can do to professional quality.

Always check for water and mold damage to the property before signing any papers. You want to know just what you are getting yourself into and these two problems cropping up in the middle of your renovation can sink you further into debt than you intended to go. Repairing these problems can sometimes cost thousands of dollars and most of the time, mold cannot be gotten rid of without removing all of the building materials affected by it. It can be scrubbed off of drywall sometimes, but if the growth is heavy on the surface, you should throw it away instead. Cleaners cannot get into the porous drywall far enough to completely kill it and it will return.

The most moist areas of the home are often the most likely to be structurally damaged and there have been many stories of toilets and bath tubs falling through the floor due to rotted supports. This is usually because the floor has been soaked with water on a regular basis for a long time and unfortunately, this can be a real pain. If you are remodeling the floor with new tile, you may want to go ahead and check for this kind of damage underneath it, just to be sure you do not have to go back and do all this again.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Florida water damage restoration companies and
Miami Water Damage Restoration. contractors

Getting Rid of the Mold

Even if you manage to kill the mold that exists in your house, your job is not over. When people discover there is mold in their homes, the first thing they usually want to know is the best way to kill it. This is the wrong way to approach the problem, because even though the mold is dead, it can still cause you health problems. The spores cannot cause yeast infections because they are dead and can no longer grow, but your body still recognizes them as something to be fought against, so you will experience allergy symptoms or even sometimes severe reactions to them. About one third of the population has mold allergies of some kind, so this is something that you want to consider.

Most of the time, removing the mold from the property completely is the only way to get rid of the allergy symptoms you or your loved ones may experience. This will probably mean opening up walls and removing drywall or even sometimes lumber from the home and replacing them with new material. You can sometimes wash mold off of the surface of drywall slabs, but if the growth is thick and heavily covers the surface, then it may be embedded into it and removal will be necessary. Mold killing chemicals cannot penetrate far enough into the drywall to kill the contamination and so it will only return, no matter how much scrubbing you do.

You can save clothes that have become molded sometimes, but unfortunately clothes that have been left molded for a long period of time can be so stained that it can never be taken out. Outside in the natural environment, the job of mold is to help with the decomposition of organic materials and it tends to do this fairly well, which is why you need to worry about it in your house. Lumber is organic, of course, and certain kinds of mold will cause it to rot completely.

Regularly check your house for water damage. If there is water damage, you can be sure that mold will start to grow there eventually if it is not taken care of. Moist areas in the home are the most at risk for mold growth and if you do not take care of them, you may end up having to do some heavy remodeling in the future to take care of the problem.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
mold removal in Atlanta Georgia and
Water Damage Restoration companies.

Exhaust Fans Help Prevent Bathroom Mold

If you live in an older home or are thinking about buying one, there may not be exhaust fans in the bathrooms. Installing them will probably be in your best interest for quit a few reasons. First of all they help to pull those smelly odors out of the room. Next they stop your mirrors from fogging up so much, but more importantly they go along way towards the prevention of mold growth. All that moisture will eventually lead to the black fuzzy looking stuff setting up housekeeping on your bathroom walls and ceiling. Excessive moisture can damage to your paint or wallpaper and woodwork as well. If left unresolved it can damage sheetrock and cause extensive repairs to have to be made. Mold growing anywhere can be unsightly and not a very healthy situation either.

Installing an exhaust fan now can be a fairly inexpensive solution when compared to the costly consequences of putting it off until later. You can get them at most home improvement stores. They can be purchased with or without lights. If you have a ceiling light fixture in your bathroom already, you can replace it with a fan/light combination. Or add just the fan in another location. Before you go down to pick one out, be sure to know the measurements of your bathroom so you are able to purchase one that will be strong enough for the size of your room. A sales person should be able to help you locate one with the right CFM {cubic feet per minute} That information can be found somewhere on the box..

If your going to attempt the installation yourself, take a good look at the tools you will need and all the necessary steps involved to be sure that you are up to the task. There are several things such as electrical wiring, installing the vent into the ceiling and out of the house through the attic. You might want to consider hiring someone to do it for you. Sometimes this is the best way to go if your not very skilled at do it yourself projects.

Whichever way you decide to go, it will be an inexpensive improvement that will help to dispel a number of things excessive bathroom moisture can cause. It will defiantly be worth the time and money now compared with what it could cost you least on.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
mold removal in Atlanta Georgia and
Water Damage Restoration companies.

Easy Water Damage Prevention

Whether you’re a home owner or renter, live in a new place or old one, no one ever wants to deal with major water damage. It can be difficult to clean up and costly to repair. Mother nature can always throw some curves that only a good insurance policy can cure, but there are a lot of things you can do to prevent small things from becoming major problems.

A solution to major avoidable water damage in the future can be to make a check list for your home today. Start in the bathrooms. Check the shut off valve under your toilet. Make sure there are no leaks there or any dampness around the base where it sits on the floor. If there is, this could mean the seal inside is leaking and probably needs to be replaced.. It is not really difficult, but it has to be reset on the new seal correctly to prevent new leakage. Check anywhere under the sink for the same kind of leaks. The tub and shower pipes and fixtures should be next. If there are signs of water stains on the walls or floors, the problem should be addressed immediately. Putting off fixing these problems can lead to rotting floors, wall studs and mold in the sheetrock.

Of coarse the kitchen is a source of water problems. The same procedures can be repeated there under the sink. Your refrigerator can leak also. Check underneath for water, bumps in the floor or loose tiles. Check the water supply line if you have an ice and water dispenser on your fridge.

There are other places that are just as important as the kitchen and bathrooms. Hot water heaters are seldom thought of unless you get no hot water when you turn on the spigot. They can leak around the fittings and older ones can rust through the bottom.

The laundry room if you have one has potential too. You can get leaks from the water supply feeding to the washer or from the washer itself. If you have ever had a washing machine flood you never want to have another one!

Last but not least are the outside sources. Your roof should be checked for leaks outside and in your attic. Especially after strong storms and or high winds. Outside water spigots are common leaking things that you should keep an eye on. Checking under the house and any pipes in the basement if you have one, is just good sense. Save time and money down the road by utilizing a good check list for all the water sources in your home.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Water Damage Miami and
water damage restoration in atlanta companies.

Taking Care of a Fireplace

Lots of people have fireplaces in their homes, but keeping them clean and smoke free takes some maintenance and effort on the part of the homeowner. The fireplace will not maintain itself, even though there are some fireplace cleaning logs on the market these days. These will not completely replace a professional cleaning, though, so you should have one of these done at least every year or two.

You should also have the proper tools stored next to your fireplace and these are available in many different materials and types. Cast iron is a good and durable material, but fireplace tools are also available in brass, pewter, nickel, and etcetera. There is a large selection on the market and you will surely be able to find what you are looking for.

A fireplace blower can help build up the fire and add more heat to it. You have probably seen one of these before and it can be a real help when first starting to build a fire.

Fireplace tongs can be used to move around logs that are obviously too hot to pick up with your hands and this is necessary, since the logs will not always be exactly where you need them to be to get the most heat and longevity out of the fire.

A fireplace poker can be used to stir around coals and spread them so that the heat is more evenly distributed. This helps larger logs catch on fire faster than they normally would.

A shovel is used to clean out the ashes that are left after a fire is out and a small broom is necessary to keep the area immediately outside the fireplace cleaned up.

If you are having problems building a fire that does not spill smoke back into the room, you need to make sure that nothing is blocking the chimney on top of the house. Leaves, bird nests, and sticks can clog it up during the spring, summer, and fall and make it completely unusable.

Using the correct wood is also important; logs that are freshly cut and have a lot of moisture still in them will smoke instead of catch fire. Use logs that are dried out and try to store them in a place where they will not get wet.

Start the fire slowly by building it up with paper and small sticks at first to get the chimney warm. Warming up the chimney is important so that the air inside it becomes warm instead of cold. Cold air pushes the warm air and smoke down and back into the house.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Los Angeles water damage and restoration services and Denver water damage restoration companies.